The Dishonor in the Term, "Meat Suit"

As a sort of angel-insistent PSA and reminder for self-nurturing right now, I wish to re-frame the over-use of the derogatory Hollywood-produced term, "meat suit" when referring to the human body.

It is my sincere request that this stop.

The angels remind us that our body is a temple for the house of the spirit connected to the light of God. 

It is an incredible cosmic consciousness in its own right - it’s a design — a well-thought-out architecture built to house the spirit for its perfect journey on Earth.

Our body is a matrix of thought, emotion, and beliefs housed in ancestral DNA.

To refer to as a meat suit is a thought and voice of self-hatred. It’s a dismissive thought to the journey.

To refer to our design in this way, takes away from the human experience 100%. It temporarily robs us of our human value. When we call ourselves meat suit, we dishonor the human experience and claim self-hate.

To counter this belief in three steps:

  1. Recognize that you are a magnificent matrix of DNA of thought expressly to house the beautiful spirt on the journey

  2. Recognize that the human body + spirit is the whole of the co-creation of spirit equation. The human matrix is 1/2 of the human being — spirit is the other half. 

  3. Recognize that the vessel you’ve been given is a powerful blessing and you will not participate in any way in demeaning it through names or unhealthy practice.

The angels as that if you hear of someone saying this, to send this specific blessing: “I ask God to create a greater wisdom around your belief and send you great love to heal your heart for you are a perfect being.”

Meditation scripts to keep you centered around your whole-bodied experience: The Divine Archetype series

Alexa Carlson