CHANNELED SCRIPTS: The Divine Archetypes --Warrior + The Mirror

CHANNELED SCRIPTS: The Divine Archetypes --Warrior + The Mirror


The Divine Warrior

Protection of the male and feminine children that reside in our human DNA codes and soul archetypes is what The Divine Warrior oversees -- she's the protector of the wounded ones. She's the savior from the darkness.

She creates a reflective mirror for us at the same time protecting us from the outside negativity of thoughts, actions of reality. She is the healer of the dysfunctional male archetypes within us.

When the warrior queen merges with our personality, all the archetypes align to be independent, self-reliant, successful and protected. She activates our sexuality in a healthy way and protects us from all trespassers in society.

When operating as our highest, most powerful self, The Divine Warrior is driving.

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